Convenient personal and business loans from ADX Credit

Loans:What loan can we give you today?

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How it works

  • 1

    Fill a short form

    That's you asking and our team will see that you're eligible.

  • 2

    Get a callback

    We get to know you, determine your capacity, and figure how much you might need.

  • 3

    Receive funds

    As soon as you're selected, funds are credited to an account you provide, typically the next business day.

Loans you can take

  • Personal Loan

    Mainly involves granting of loan facility to individuals who are gainfully employed or has a regular flow of income.

  • Business Loan

    Like "Personal" but strictly for business entity with a clear shoe of their income line. The loan must not be more than their size of their receivables.

  • Working Capital

    Making funds available for the operational needs of a business. A charge is usually taken on the working assets of the borrower for the period of the facility.

  • Project Financing

    Usually medium to long term in nature. Draw down on this loan is in stages needed on the agreed terms and project milestones. It is always targeted at a particular project